Glee is an American musical comedy-drama television series that airs on Fox in the United States. It focuses on a high school show choir called "New Directions", at the fictional William McKinley High School in Lima, Ohio, and although largely realistic, also employs fantasy elements.
The series features numerous song covers sung on-screen by the characters. Musical segments typically take the form of performances, as opposed to the characters singing spontaneously, as the intention is for the series to remain reality-based. Murphy is responsible for selecting all of the songs used, and strives to maintain a balance between show tunes and chart hits, as: "I want there to be something for everybody in every episode. That's a tricky mix, but that's very important — the balancing of that." Song choices are integral to script development, with Murphy explaining: "Each episode has a theme at its core. After I write the script, I will choose songs that help to move the story along.
It sucks right now 'coz its very seldom or rare now to get a video of Glee Cast doing cover because of copyrights. I am looking at Madonna's Episode but its all gone now. Its the best episode from GLEE.
A video from their TOUR.
Madonna - Like A Prayer
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